Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hare Krishna Swami Loses Soul

Back in the days, I co-authored a few slurs for NEHKE aside archiving it all. For old times' sake, here's one more.

January 17, 2009
Helsinki, Finland

In an unprecedented "Stay High Forever" temple music festival, Anatma Swami, a fired-up Hare Krishna preacher, lost grip of his wildly whirling monk partner and flew headlong into a larger-than-life copper replica of the movement founder's lotus feet by an open window.

As the Swami failed to respond to conventional first aid, temple authorities alerted for resident witch doctor Shittiwawa Das, an Indian tantric adept and leading disciple of retired guru Bob Haripada, for help. At the conclusion of a fair fifteen minutes of exotic rattling, popping, muttering, whisking and bouncing, Das concluded the patient's soul had departed in the crash and required urgent re-insertion.

All resident devotees have patrolled downtown Helsinki since yesterday afternoon, the time of the incident, passing out pamphlets urging for the lost soul's founder to return the precious commodity to its rightful owner – in return for the Swami's abundant and perpetual blessings. Sources tell former guru Bob Haripada found his soul in the late 90's with the help of a female therapist.

The soul in question is described as bearing a strong resemblance to 1:10,000th fragment of a male Caucasian hair tip, following the verdict of an ancient Hindu philosophical text. One ten-thousandth part of an average Caucasian tip of hair measures at an average of 0,0075 µm. Temple authorities were not available for comment on distinguishing the Swami's soul from any number of other souls probably lost downtown Helsinki.


  1. Hi! Friend, I am not a krishnaite. But I have been seeing on web your history over years. Now I observe you are just wasting time in all your mockeries. It's very pity to see. Unproductive. If you couldn't go on with the spiritual practices, at least don't mock them. I am not in favor of iskcon "bob gurus" or narayan maharaj or "babajis" sahajiyas with whom you were associating closely. I just wish you to obtain the firm path in spiritual life. Otherwise it will continue the same "asthira siddhanta", as Jiva Goswami said about the situation... Your well-wisher.

  2. Anonymous well-wishers come in abundance, and a firm path in spiritual life is such a subjective concept. That notwithstanding, I don't think humor ever ruined anyone's firm path of spiritual life, unless the path itself wasn't so firm to begin with.

    If asthira-siddhanta ("unsteady or fickle conclusion" for the non-sanskritists) means having a capacity to change and evolve in one's perspectives, then I'm all for asthirata. People who believe in a single absolute doctrine are the ones building the asthira-kaJcikA-gRhas, not me.
